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Yellow Water Lily

Nuphar lutea

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Nymphaeaceae (Water Lily)
Also in this family:
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
20 centimetres tall
Bogs, ditches, marshes, ponds, swamps, water, wetland.

Yellow, 6 petals
Yellow flower usually appearing on an upright stalk out of the water, up to 8cm wide. Sepals normally longer than petals. 6 petals.
A fleshy green capsule.
Large, floating, oval to circular leaves. The diameter of the leaves is a maximum of 40cm. The leaves of Yellow Water Lily are slightly larger than that of White Water Lily.
The alternative name of Brandy-bottle is derived from the fragrance that the flowers emit. Apparently, they smell like stale alcohol.
Other Names:
Bobbins, Brandy-bottle, Can Dock, Clot, Common Spatterdock, Southern Spatterdock, Spadderdock, Yellow Cow-lily, Yellow Pond-lily.
Frequency (UK):

Similar Species

Other Information


Nuphar lutea, commonly known as the yellow water-lily, brandy-bottle, or spadderdock, is an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae, native to temperate regions of Europe, North America, and Asia. It grows in shallow water of ponds, lakes, and ditches and is commonly used as an ornamental plant in water gardens. Nuphar lutea is a hardy perennial, with yellow flowers that open during the day and close at night. The leaves are large and oval-shaped and float on the water's surface. The plant's rhizomes are edible and have a sweet taste. The flowers are also edible and are used in salads or to make tea. Nuphar lutea is a very popular plant for aquarists, as it has a wide range of benefits such as providing shade and shelter for fish, improving water quality and clarity, and providing food for fish and other aquatic animals.


ellow Water-lily, also known as Nuphar lutea, is a beautiful aquatic plant that is native to Europe, Asia, and North America. It is a popular decorative plant for both its aesthetic and practical benefits.

The yellow water-lily is a perennial plant, meaning it comes back year after year. Its leaves are large and float on the surface of the water, while its bright yellow flowers sit atop tall stems. The flowers are a beautiful sight and are a popular source of food and habitat for a variety of water creatures such as dragonflies, water birds, and frogs.

The plant prefers shallow, still bodies of water and thrives in warm temperatures. It can grow in a variety of soils, including sandy or silty, as long as the soil is not compacted. Yellow water-lilies are low maintenance, and once established, they will grow on their own.

One of the benefits of the yellow water-lily is its ability to reduce the amount of algae in a pond or lake. It does this by shading the water and reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom of the pond. Algae require sunlight to grow, and by limiting its access, the yellow water-lily helps to keep the water clean and clear.

In addition to its aesthetic and practical benefits, the yellow water-lily also has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its roots and leaves have been used to treat a variety of ailments, including skin conditions, digestive problems, and even headaches.

The yellow water-lily, or Nuphar lutea, is a beautiful, low-maintenance aquatic plant that provides a variety of benefits to the environment and to humans. Whether you're looking to add a pop of color to your pond or lake, or you're interested in its medicinal properties, the yellow water-lily is a great choice.

Yellow water-lilies are not only attractive, but they are also incredibly versatile. They can be planted in a variety of settings, including garden ponds, lakes, and even aquariums. Whether you are looking to add a touch of natural beauty to your backyard or you want to create a peaceful oasis in your home, the yellow water-lily is an excellent choice.

One of the unique characteristics of the yellow water-lily is its delicate fragrance. The plant emits a sweet, floral scent that is particularly noticeable on warm, sunny days. This scent not only adds to the beauty of the plant but also attracts pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Another interesting fact about the yellow water-lily is its seed pods. Once the flowers have bloomed, they will produce seed pods that are round and green. These seed pods are not only a beautiful addition to the plant, but they also provide food for a variety of waterfowl and other wildlife.

Yellow water-lilies are also very easy to care for. They prefer still or slow-moving water, and they do not require any special maintenance. Simply plant them in the desired location and allow them to grow. They will even spread on their own over time, creating a beautiful display of yellow flowers.

The yellow water-lily is a beautiful, versatile, and low-maintenance plant that is perfect for a variety of settings. Whether you are looking to add some natural beauty to your pond or lake, or you are simply looking for a new and unique addition to your garden or aquarium, the yellow water-lily is an excellent choice.

The yellow water-lily is also a popular subject for artists and photographers. Its delicate beauty and vibrant yellow color make it a popular choice for paintings, photographs, and other forms of artistic expression. The plant is especially popular during the summer months when its flowers are in full bloom, providing a brilliant splash of color to any setting.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the yellow water-lily is also a valuable resource for wildlife. As mentioned earlier, its leaves and flowers provide food and habitat for a variety of water creatures, including dragonflies, water birds, and frogs. The plant also provides shelter for juvenile fish, allowing them to hide from predators and grow larger before venturing into open water.

When it comes to planting yellow water-lilies, it is important to choose the right location. The plant prefers shallow, still water and should be planted in a location where it will receive plenty of sunlight. It is also important to choose a location that is free from heavy currents, as this can make it difficult for the plant to establish itself.

Finally, it is important to note that the yellow water-lily is non-invasive. Unlike some other aquatic plants, it will not take over your pond or lake and can be easily controlled. This makes it a great choice for those who want to add some natural beauty to their aquatic environment without having to worry about it becoming a problem.

In conclusion, the yellow water-lily, or Nuphar lutea, is a beautiful and versatile plant that provides a variety of benefits to the environment and to humans. Whether you are looking to add some natural beauty to your pond or lake, or you simply want to create a peaceful oasis in your home, the yellow water-lily is an excellent choice.


Yellow Water Lily filmed in the Wigan area of Lancashire on the 7th August 2022.


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