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Irish Ivy

Hedera hibernica

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Araliaceae (Ivy)
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
20 metres long
Cliffs, hedgerows, rocky places, scrub, walls, woodland.

Green, 5 petals
Irish Ivy (Hedera hibernica) produces small, greenish-yellow flowers that typically bloom from September to November. These flowers are clustered in umbels and are notable for their intricate structure, consisting of five petals and an array of stamens that provide a rich source of nectar for various pollinators, including bees and butterflies. The flowering period of Irish Ivy adds a burst of color and activity to its surroundings, often contrasting against the plant's deep green foliage. After pollination, these flowers develop into small, dark berries that are a valuable food source for birds during the winter months. Irish Ivy's floral display not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also plays a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems through its interactions with pollinators and wildlife.
The fruit of Irish Ivy consists of small, dark berries that ripen following the flowering season, typically from November onwards. These berries are globular in shape and range in color from dark purple to black when mature. Each berry contains several seeds and is often clustered in dense groups along the vine. These berries are a significant food source for birds such as thrushes and blackbirds during the colder months, providing essential nutrition when other food supplies are scarce. While the berries are attractive to wildlife, they are toxic to humans and should not be consumed. The presence of these berries contributes to the ecological role of Irish Ivy as a provider of food and habitat within its environment.
The leaves of Irish Ivy are glossy, dark green, and characterized by their distinctive lobed shape with pointed tips. They are evergreen, providing year-round coverage and adding a lush, verdant appearance to landscapes. The leaves are waxy and leathery, offering durability against various weather conditions. They serve as a vital element in the plant's photosynthetic process, converting sunlight into energy. However, it's important to note that all parts of Irish Ivy, including its leaves, contain compounds that can be toxic if ingested, causing skin irritation or gastrointestinal issues. Despite their toxicity to humans and some animals, the leaves of Irish Ivy play a crucial role in providing shelter and nesting sites for insects and small birds, contributing to the biodiversity of their habitats.
Irish Ivy typically does not have a noticeable scent from its flowers or foliage. Unlike some other flowering plants, which may emit fragrant aromas to attract pollinators, Irish Ivy tends to be more subtle in its olfactory characteristics. The focus of this plant's appeal lies more in its attractive foliage, berries for wildlife, and its ability to thrive in various environmental conditions rather than in its scent. Therefore, it is primarily appreciated for its visual and ecological contributions rather than for any distinct fragrance.
Other Names:
Atlantic Ivy.
Frequency (UK):

Similar Species

Other Information


Hedera hibernica, commonly known as Atlantic ivy, is a species of ivy that is native to western and southwestern Europe, including the British Isles. It is a climbing or trailing evergreen vine that can grow up to 20 meters in height. The leaves are glossy and dark green, and the plant produces small greenish-yellow flowers in the fall, followed by black berries. Hedera hibernica is often used as a decorative plant, both indoors and outdoors, and can be trained to grow on walls, trellises, and other structures. It is also used in landscaping to cover large areas of ground or to provide a natural privacy barrier.


Irish Ivy (Hedera hibernica), also known as Atlantic or Hibernica ivy, is a robust and hardy climbing plant native to the Atlantic coast of Western Europe. It is commonly found in the wild in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and some parts of England. In recent years, it has also become a popular garden plant, prized for its attractive foliage and ease of cultivation.

Appearance and Characteristics

Irish Ivy is a vigorous, evergreen climbing plant that can grow up to 20 meters in height. It has thick, woody stems that can reach up to 15 centimeters in diameter, with numerous aerial roots that help it to cling to walls, trees, and other supports. The leaves of Irish Ivy are leathery, dark green, and glossy, with a distinctive shape that varies between juvenile and adult growth stages.

The young leaves are three-lobed, while the mature ones are usually five-lobed, with toothed edges. The flowers of Irish Ivy are small, greenish-yellow, and borne in clusters in late summer or early autumn. They are followed by black or purple berries that provide food for birds and other wildlife.

Benefits and Uses

Irish Ivy is a versatile plant that has many benefits and uses. In the wild, it provides important habitat and food for a variety of animals, including birds, insects, and mammals. It is also known to help purify the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen.

In gardens and landscaping, Irish Ivy is often used as a ground cover, as it quickly forms a dense mat of foliage that suppresses weeds and helps to retain moisture in the soil. It is also a popular choice for vertical gardening, as it can climb walls, trellises, and other structures, providing greenery and visual interest.

In addition to its ornamental value, Irish Ivy has also been used for medicinal and other purposes. It contains compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-cancer properties, and has been used traditionally to treat a variety of ailments, including respiratory infections, rheumatism, and skin conditions.

Growing and Care

Irish Ivy is a relatively easy plant to grow and care for, making it an ideal choice for novice gardeners. It prefers a partially shaded to full shade location and well-drained soil, but can also tolerate a range of soil types and conditions. It is a hardy plant that can withstand cold temperatures and harsh winds, but may require some protection from intense sun or heat.

To propagate Irish Ivy, simply take stem cuttings from a healthy plant and place them in water or moist soil until they root. Once established, Irish Ivy can be trained to climb walls, trellises, and other structures by gently tying the stems to supports. Regular pruning can also help to keep the plant under control and prevent it from becoming too invasive.

More Information about the Irish Ivy

Irish Ivy is a great plant for those looking to attract wildlife to their garden, as it provides important shelter and food for birds, bees, and other pollinators. The dense foliage also provides a great nesting site for birds, who use it for protection from predators and the elements.

One of the advantages of Irish Ivy is its ability to grow in a variety of light conditions, from full shade to partial sun. It is also tolerant of a range of soil types, making it a versatile plant that can thrive in a variety of environments.

However, it is important to note that Irish Ivy can be invasive in some regions, particularly in areas where it is not native. It is important to research the plant's suitability for your particular area and take steps to prevent it from spreading uncontrollably.

In addition to its ornamental and ecological benefits, Irish Ivy has a long history of medicinal use. It has been used traditionally in Ireland and other parts of Europe to treat a variety of ailments, including coughs, colds, arthritis, and skin conditions.

Modern research has confirmed many of the traditional uses of Irish Ivy, and it is now recognized as having anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-cancer properties. Its extract is commonly used in cough and cold remedies, as it helps to relieve respiratory symptoms such as congestion and coughing.

It is important to note that Irish Ivy should not be consumed in large quantities or used as a self-treatment for serious medical conditions. As with any medicinal plant, it is best to consult a qualified healthcare professional before using it for medicinal purposes.

In terms of its cultivation, Irish Ivy is relatively low maintenance and can be grown in a variety of ways. It can be trained to climb walls and other structures, grown as a ground cover, or used in hanging baskets and containers. It can also be pruned and shaped to create topiary and other ornamental features.

Irish Ivy also has cultural significance and has been used in folklore and literature for centuries. In Celtic mythology, it was associated with the goddess Brigid, who was said to have been born under an ivy tree. It was also believed to have protective properties and was sometimes used to ward off evil spirits.

In literature, Irish Ivy has been featured in works such as J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings," where it is described as growing on the walls of Minas Morgul, a fortress of the dark lord Sauron. In James Joyce's "Ulysses," it is mentioned as a common plant in the gardens of Dublin.

In addition to its cultural significance, Irish Ivy is also a popular plant for use in crafts and decorations. Its leaves and stems can be used in wreaths, garlands, and other decorative arrangements, and its berries can be used in seasonal displays.

Overall, Irish Ivy is a plant with a rich history and many uses. Whether grown for its ecological benefits, ornamental value, medicinal properties, cultural significance, or decorative potential, it is a versatile and valuable plant that deserves a place in any garden or landscape.

30 Irish Ivy Facts

Here are 30 facts about Irish Ivy (Hedera hibernica):

  1. Irish Ivy, also known as Atlantic Ivy, is native to the Atlantic coast of western Europe, including parts of Ireland and the UK.
  2. It belongs to the family Araliaceae, which also includes plants like ginseng and schefflera.
  3. Irish Ivy is a climbing vine that can reach heights of up to 30 meters (100 feet) in its natural habitat.
  4. The leaves of Irish Ivy are evergreen, providing year-round greenery and coverage.
  5. The leaves are typically dark green, glossy, and deeply lobed with pointed tips.
  6. It produces small, greenish-yellow flowers in late summer to early autumn.
  7. The flowers are clustered in umbels and are a source of nectar for pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  8. Irish Ivy's fruit are small, dark berries that ripen from late autumn to winter.
  9. The berries are dark purple to black when ripe and are toxic to humans if ingested.
  10. Birds, especially thrushes and blackbirds, feed on the berries during the winter months.
  11. Irish Ivy is capable of self-pollination, but cross-pollination by insects enhances seed production.
  12. It can propagate vegetatively through stem cuttings, allowing it to spread rapidly.
  13. The plant's stems are woody and become more fibrous with age, aiding in climbing and support.
  14. Irish Ivy is tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions, including shade, pollution, and coastal exposure.
  15. It is commonly used as a decorative plant for walls, fences, and as ground cover in gardens.
  16. Irish Ivy has been historically used in traditional medicine for various ailments, though its toxicity limits its medicinal use.
  17. In folklore, Irish Ivy symbolizes fidelity, friendship, and protection.
  18. The plant provides shelter and nesting sites for insects and small birds.
  19. In some regions, Irish Ivy is considered invasive, particularly in habitats where it outcompetes native vegetation.
  20. It can be challenging to remove once established due to its strong adherence to surfaces and regrowth from roots and stem fragments.
  21. Irish Ivy is drought tolerant once established but benefits from regular watering during dry periods.
  22. The plant is resistant to browsing by deer and rabbits due to its toxic nature.
  23. In colder climates, Irish Ivy may suffer frost damage, especially in exposed locations.
  24. It has a long history of cultivation in Europe, dating back to ancient times.
  25. Irish Ivy has been used traditionally for making dyes from its berries and leaves.
  26. The plant's name "Hedera" is derived from the Latin word for "ivy."
  27. Varieties of Irish Ivy with variegated leaves are popular in horticulture for their decorative appeal.
  28. It is important to handle Irish Ivy with care, wearing gloves when pruning or handling, to avoid skin irritation.
  29. The plant has a low maintenance requirement once established, making it suitable for urban landscapes.
  30. Conservation efforts in some regions aim to control the spread of Irish Ivy to protect native plant species and ecosystems.


Irish Ivy filmed at Mousehole in Cornwall on the 8th June 2024.


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