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Lilac Sorrel

Oxalis incarnata

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Oxalidaceae (Wood Sorrel)
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
30 centimetres tall
Fields, gardens, hedgerows, roadsides, rocky places, walls, wasteland, woodland.

Pink, 5 petals
Pale pink flowers with darker veins.
The fruit is a capsule.
A bulbous perennial with leaves divided into 3 small, heart-shaped leaflets. The leaflets are not spotted, as with some species of sorrel. The leaves are long-stalked.
Other Names:
Crimson Woodsorrel, Pale Pink-sorrel, Pink Sorrel, Pink Woodsorrel.
Frequency (UK):
Occasionally seen  

Similar Species

Other Information


Oxalis incarnata, also known as "pink sorrel" or "pink woodsorrel," is a perennial herb that is native to North and South America. It is a hardy plant that can grow in a variety of soil types and can tolerate shade and dry conditions. The plant has small pink or purple flowers and clover-like leaves. It is often found growing in woodlands, along roadsides, and in other disturbed areas. It is considered an invasive species in some regions. The leaves and flowers of the plant are edible and have a tangy, lemony flavor and can be used to make a tea or added to salads and other dishes. However, due to its high oxalic acid content, it's best to consume it in moderation.


Lilac sorrel, also known as Oxalis incarnata, is a small flowering plant that belongs to the Oxalidaceae family. This delicate and colorful plant is native to the southeastern United States and is commonly found in fields, meadows, and woodland areas.

The lilac sorrel plant has distinctive leaves that are divided into three heart-shaped leaflets. These leaves are a soft green color and have a velvety texture. The flowers of the lilac sorrel are a beautiful shade of lilac or light purple and have five petals. They bloom in the spring and summer months and are a popular attraction for bees and other pollinators.

In addition to its ornamental value, lilac sorrel has been used in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments. The plant is said to have astringent and diuretic properties and has been used to treat conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and arthritis. It has also been used as a remedy for digestive problems and as a blood purifier.

Lilac sorrel is an easy-to-grow plant that thrives in well-drained soil and partial shade. It can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes or by collecting and planting the seeds. Once established, the plant requires little care, and its delicate flowers will continue to bloom year after year.

One thing to keep in mind when growing lilac sorrel is that it can be invasive. The plant spreads quickly through underground rhizomes, so it is important to keep it contained in a garden bed or border. However, if you have a large, open area that you want to fill with a low-maintenance ground cover, lilac sorrel can be a great choice.

Lilac sorrel is a beautiful and versatile plant that is well-suited for a variety of landscaping and gardening purposes. Its colorful flowers, easy maintenance, and medicinal properties make it a popular choice among gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike. Whether you're looking to add some color to your garden or explore the plant's traditional medicinal uses, lilac sorrel is a great choice.

Lilac sorrel is also known by several other common names, including Violet Wood Sorrel, Pink Wood Sorrel, and Windowbox Wood Sorrel. Its scientific name, Oxalis incarnata, comes from the Latin word "incarnatus," which means "flesh-colored," and refers to the plant's pinkish-lilac flowers.

In addition to its traditional medicinal uses, lilac sorrel has also been used in cooking. The plant's leaves have a sour, tangy flavor and can be used in salads, soups, and stews. They can also be used as a garnish for cocktails or desserts. However, it is important to note that lilac sorrel leaves contain oxalic acid, which can be toxic in large amounts. It is recommended to consume them in moderation or to cook them first to reduce their oxalic acid content.

Lilac sorrel is also known for its cultural significance. In some Native American cultures, the plant was used in ceremonies and as a medicine for various ailments. The Cherokee people used lilac sorrel to treat colds, coughs, and fever, while the Catawba people used it as a diuretic and to treat kidney stones. Today, lilac sorrel continues to be used in traditional medicine and is a popular plant for herbal remedies.

Lilac sorrel is a beautiful and useful plant that has many benefits. Whether you are looking to add some color to your garden, explore its traditional medicinal uses, or use it in cooking, lilac sorrel is a versatile and fascinating plant that is well worth getting to know. With its delicate flowers, easy maintenance, and many uses, it is no wonder that lilac sorrel is such a popular choice among gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike.

Another interesting fact about lilac sorrel is that it is a host plant for the caterpillars of the Northern Cloudywing butterfly (Thorybes pylades). The caterpillars of this species feed on the leaves of the plant and can often be found in large numbers during the summer months.

Lilac sorrel is also a great plant for attracting beneficial insects to your garden. Its flowers provide nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, while the plant's leaves can attract aphid-eating ladybugs and lacewings. By planting lilac sorrel in your garden, you can help support a healthy ecosystem and promote biodiversity.

Finally, lilac sorrel is a great plant for adding some color and texture to your garden. Its heart-shaped leaves and delicate flowers make it a beautiful addition to any garden bed or border. It also pairs well with other shade-loving plants, such as ferns, hostas, and astilbes. By adding lilac sorrel to your garden, you can create a lush and vibrant landscape that is both beautiful and functional.

Lilac sorrel is a fascinating and useful plant that is well worth exploring. From its traditional medicinal uses to its cultural significance, to its role in supporting beneficial insects and adding color and texture to your garden, there are many reasons to appreciate this unique and beautiful plant. Whether you are a gardener, nature enthusiast, or simply appreciate the beauty of the natural world, lilac sorrel is a wonderful plant that is sure to delight and inspire.

Another interesting aspect of lilac sorrel is that it is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. It can thrive in both full sun and partial shade, and can grow in a variety of soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils. It is also drought-tolerant and can withstand periods of dry weather, making it a great choice for gardens in regions with limited rainfall.

Lilac sorrel is also a great plant for adding some interest to your garden throughout the year. While it is most well-known for its spring and summer blooms, the plant's leaves can also turn a striking shade of reddish-purple in the fall. This provides a beautiful contrast to other fall foliage and can add a unique and unexpected element to your garden design.

Finally, lilac sorrel is a great plant for those looking to attract wildlife to their garden. In addition to supporting pollinators and beneficial insects, the plant's seeds are a popular food source for birds such as finches and sparrows. By planting lilac sorrel in your garden, you can help create a diverse and thriving ecosystem that benefits both plants and animals.

In summary, lilac sorrel is a versatile, hardy, and beautiful plant that has many benefits for gardeners, nature enthusiasts, and the environment. From its traditional medicinal uses to its value as a food source for wildlife, to its role in adding color and interest to your garden throughout the year, there are many reasons to appreciate this unique and fascinating plant. By growing lilac sorrel in your garden, you can help support a healthy and thriving ecosystem and create a beautiful and functional landscape that you can enjoy for years to come.

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