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Sea Bindweed

Calystegia soldanella

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Convolvulaceae (Bindweed)
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
1 metre long
Beaches, sand dunes, sea cliffs, seaside.

Pink, 5 petals
The flowers of Sea Bindweed (Calystegia soldanella) are striking and distinctive, typically funnel-shaped and measuring 3-5 cm in diameter. They exhibit a delicate pink to purple hue with prominent white stripes running along the petals, creating a visually appealing contrast. Blooming from late spring to early autumn, these flowers open during the day and close at night or under cloudy conditions, relying primarily on bees and other insects for pollination. Their presence adds a touch of color to coastal dunes and sandy shores where the plant thrives.
The fruit of Sea Bindweed is a small, round capsule that develops after the plant's distinctive flowers have been pollinated. These capsules contain several seeds, which are black, smooth, and shiny. The seeds are dispersed primarily by wind and water, allowing the plant to colonize new areas along sandy coastal environments. The fruit, though not prominent, plays a crucial role in the plant's reproduction and spread, ensuring the continuation of the species in its coastal habitat.
The leaves of Sea Bindweed are notable for their unique shape and adaptation to coastal environments. They are kidney-shaped to rounded, often described as fleshy and waxy, which helps to reduce water loss in the sandy, saline habitats where the plant thrives. The leaves are arranged alternately along the creeping stems and can be somewhat succulent, contributing to the plant's drought resistance. Their glossy surface reflects sunlight, minimizing heat absorption, and they play a vital role in stabilizing sandy soils and preventing erosion on coastal dunes.
The flowers of Sea Bindweed are typically not known for having a strong or distinctive fragrance. While visually attractive with their funnel-shaped, pink to purple blossoms adorned with white stripes, their scent is generally mild and not a prominent feature of the plant. The primary allure of Sea Bindweed lies in its vibrant appearance and its role in stabilizing sandy coastal environments rather than its aromatic qualities.
Other Names:
Beach Morning Glory, Seashore False Bindweed, Seaside Bindweed, Shore Bindweed, Shore Convolvulus.
Frequency (UK):
Occasionally seen  

Similar Species

Other Information


Calystegia soldanella, also known as seashore false bindweed or seaside bindweed, is a perennial plant native to coastal regions of Europe and Asia. It is a member of the Convolvulaceae family and is closely related to plants such as morning glories and sweet potatoes. Seashore false bindweed is characterized by its large, heart-shaped leaves and white or pink flowers that resemble those of field bindweed (Fallopia dumetorum). It is a herbaceous plant that grows in sandy or gravelly soils and is often found on beaches and dunes. Seashore false bindweed is not considered an invasive species and is not known to cause significant damage to crops or other plants. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental plant due to its attractive flowers and large, distinctive leaves.


Sea Bindweed, also known as Calystegia soldanella, is a type of flowering plant that belongs to the Convolvulaceae family. It is native to the coastal areas of Europe, Africa and Asia and is often found growing on rocky shores and in sand dunes.

This plant is known for its unique, liana-like growth habit and its attractive flowers, which are trumpet-shaped and range in color from pink to white. The leaves are large and green, with a slightly succulent texture.

Sea Bindweed is a hardy plant that is well-adapted to life in coastal environments. It can withstand strong winds and salt spray, making it an ideal choice for coastal gardens. Despite its ability to thrive in harsh conditions, Sea Bindweed is not commonly found in cultivation and is often overlooked by gardeners.

One of the key benefits of growing Sea Bindweed is its ability to stabilize sand dunes and prevent erosion. This makes it an important plant for conserving coastal ecosystems and preserving habitats for wildlife.

In addition to its environmental benefits, Sea Bindweed also has medicinal properties. The plant is said to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and has been used in traditional medicine to treat a range of conditions, including skin disorders, respiratory problems and digestive issues.

Despite its many benefits, Sea Bindweed can be difficult to grow from seed and is best propagated from cuttings. It should be planted in a well-drained soil and given plenty of sun and moisture. With the right care, Sea Bindweed can grow up to six meters long and make a beautiful addition to any coastal garden.

Sea Bindweed is not only a valuable plant for coastal ecosystems, but it also has ornamental value as well. In addition to its trumpet-shaped flowers and large green leaves, Sea Bindweed also produces attractive seed pods that are a unique feature of the plant.

In some parts of the world, Sea Bindweed is used as a traditional food source. In Europe, for example, the leaves of the plant have been used to make a type of vegetable soup. The plant is also known to be an important food source for wildlife, including birds and insects.

Despite its many benefits, Sea Bindweed is considered an invasive species in some parts of the world, particularly in North America. The plant is highly aggressive and can quickly spread and outcompete native vegetation. Gardeners and conservationists should be mindful of this when planting Sea Bindweed and take steps to prevent its spread into natural areas.

Overall, Sea Bindweed is a fascinating and important plant that offers a range of benefits to coastal ecosystems and people. Whether you're a gardener looking to add some unique beauty to your landscape, or a conservationist working to protect coastal habitats, Sea Bindweed is well worth considering.

In addition to its ornamental and medicinal uses, Sea Bindweed has also been used in textile production. The stems of the plant are rich in fibers and have been used to make ropes, fishing nets and other textiles.

Due to its salt tolerance and ability to thrive in harsh coastal environments, Sea Bindweed is an important plant for coastal rehabilitation and restoration projects. It can help to stabilize sand dunes and prevent erosion, making it an effective tool for restoring degraded coastal ecosystems.

In some parts of the world, Sea Bindweed is also used for dune stabilization and erosion control in landscaping and construction projects. The plant's deep roots and liana-like growth habit make it an effective tool for preventing soil erosion and protecting property from the damaging effects of wind and water.

Finally, Sea Bindweed is an important source of nectar for pollinators such as bees, butterflies and moths. This makes it a valuable addition to any coastal garden, and an important tool for promoting biodiversity and supporting local ecosystems.

In conclusion, Sea Bindweed is a valuable plant with a wide range of uses and benefits. Whether you're a gardener, conservationist, landscaper or simply someone who loves coastal ecosystems, Sea Bindweed is a plant that deserves your attention.

30 Sea Bindweed Facts

Here are 30 facts about Sea Bindweed (Calystegia soldanella):

  1. Scientific Name: Calystegia soldanella.
  2. Common Names: Sea Bindweed, Beach Morning Glory.
  3. Family: Convolvulaceae (morning glory family).
  4. Habitat: Coastal dunes and sandy shores.
  5. Distribution: Found along the coastlines of Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australasia.
  6. Growth Habit: Perennial herbaceous plant with creeping stems.
  7. Leaves: Kidney-shaped to rounded, fleshy, and waxy to reduce water loss.
  8. Flowers: Funnel-shaped, pink to purple with white stripes, 3-5 cm in diameter.
  9. Bloom Time: Flowers from late spring to early autumn.
  10. Pollination: Primarily by bees and other insects.
  11. Fruit: Produces small, round capsules containing several seeds.
  12. Seeds: Black, smooth, and shiny.
  13. Root System: Deep taproot that helps stabilize sandy soils.
  14. Adaptation: Highly salt-tolerant, allowing it to thrive in coastal environments.
  15. Propagation: Through seeds and vegetative spreading via rhizomes.
  16. Ecological Role: Helps prevent soil erosion on dunes.
  17. Conservation Status: Generally not considered threatened, but habitat loss can impact local populations.
  18. Medicinal Uses: Traditionally used in some cultures for its diuretic properties.
  19. Culinary Uses: Not commonly used in cooking; however, young shoots are occasionally eaten.
  20. Invasiveness: Can become invasive in non-native regions due to its vigorous growth.
  21. Flowering Mechanism: Flowers open during the day and close at night or in cloudy weather.
  22. Foliage: Evergreen in milder climates; dies back in colder regions during winter.
  23. Companion Plants: Often found growing with marram grass, sea holly, and other dune plants.
  24. Threats: Coastal development and recreational activities can damage its habitat.
  25. Management: Requires minimal care once established, making it suitable for coastal restoration projects.
  26. Edaphic Factors: Prefers sandy, well-drained soils with low nutrient levels.
  27. Light Requirements: Thrives in full sun conditions.
  28. Cultural Significance: Featured in some traditional coastal folklore and myths.
  29. Wildlife Value: Provides nectar for pollinators and cover for small animals.
  30. Research Interest: Studied for its ability to stabilize coastal environments and potential medicinal properties.


Sea Bindweed filmed at these locations:
  • Sandscale Haws: 8th July 2023
  • Sennen, Cornwall: 10th June 2024
  • Zennor, Cornwall (sea view at the end of the video): 12th June 2024

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