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Turkish Tutsan

Hypericum xylosteifolium

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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Hypericaceae (St. John's Wort)
Semi-evergreen shrub
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
90 centimetres tall
Gardens, wasteland, woodland.

Yellow, 5 petals
5 large yellow petals, up to 3cm across. Anthers are pale orange. 10 to 11 stamens.
A green berry-like fruit, eventually turning black.
Bright green, egg-shaped, untoothed leaves. 3 to 6 pairs of leaf veins. Often found growing as a naturalised garden escape species.
Other Names:
St John's Wort.
Frequency (UK):
Rarely seen  

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Other Information


Hypericum xylosteifolium, also known as St. John's Wort, is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia. It is similar to Hypericum hircinum and have similar uses, such as treating mild to moderate depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. It is also used to treat a variety of other health conditions, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause symptoms, and wound healing. The plant has yellow flowers and it is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As with Hypericum hircinum, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional before taking Hypericum xylosteifolium as it may interact with certain medications.


Turkish Tutsan, also known as Hypericum xylosteifolium, is a stunning perennial plant that belongs to the Hypericaceae family. This plant is native to Turkey and is widely known for its stunning yellow flowers that bloom in the summer.

The plant grows up to 2-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide, making it an ideal choice for gardeners who are looking for a low-maintenance plant with a long blooming season. The leaves of the Turkish Tutsan are oval-shaped and grow up to 2 inches long. They are a dark green color and are covered in tiny white dots, adding to the plant's overall charm.

The flowers of the Turkish Tutsan are its most notable feature. The blooms are large and cup-shaped, with petals that are golden yellow in color. The center of each flower is a bright yellow, making it a real showstopper in the garden. The plant blooms from June to September, and the flowers are produced in clusters that can be up to 3 inches across.

Turkish Tutsan is a hardy plant that is easy to grow and care for. It prefers well-drained soil and full sun, but can also tolerate partial shade. Once established, the plant is quite drought-tolerant and can even handle periods of dryness. It is also relatively pest and disease-resistant, making it an ideal choice for gardeners who are looking for a low-maintenance plant.

If you're looking to add a touch of summer to your garden, then the Turkish Tutsan is a great choice. Whether planted in a border, in a mixed herbaceous bed, or in a large container, this plant will provide a long-lasting display of yellow blooms that will attract pollinators to your garden. It is also a great choice for cut flowers, as the blooms last well in a vase.

In addition to its beauty, Turkish Tutsan has several other uses and benefits. This plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and is believed to have a number of health benefits.

One of the key active compounds in Turkish Tutsan is hypericin, which is thought to have anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. This compound has been found to be effective against a number of viral infections, including herpes, HIV, and hepatitis C. It is also believed to have anti-depressant properties, and has been used to treat depression and anxiety in traditional medicine.

Another benefit of Turkish Tutsan is its ability to deter pests. The plant has a strong scent that is unpleasant to many common garden pests, including slugs and snails. This makes it an ideal choice for gardeners who are looking to control pests in their garden without using chemical pesticides.

In addition to its medicinal and pest control properties, Turkish Tutsan is also a popular choice for ornamental purposes. The plant is often used as a filler in flower arrangements, and its yellow blooms are a popular choice for wedding bouquets.

In addition to its ornamental and medicinal properties, Turkish Tutsan has several other uses that make it a valuable addition to any garden.

One of the most interesting uses of Turkish Tutsan is in natural dye production. The plant contains pigments that can be used to produce a range of yellow, orange, and brown dyes. These dyes are natural, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, making them a great alternative to synthetic dyes.

Another use for Turkish Tutsan is in landscaping. This plant is an ideal choice for creating low-maintenance borders, rock gardens, and wildflower gardens. It can also be used as a groundcover in areas where other plants are difficult to grow. This makes it a great choice for gardeners who are looking to create a low-maintenance garden that is still visually appealing.

Turkish Tutsan is also a great choice for bird enthusiasts. The plant attracts a range of pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, making it an ideal choice for those who are looking to create a wildlife-friendly garden.

In addition to all its other benefits, Turkish Tutsan is also known for its longevity. This plant is a long-lived perennial that can grow in the same spot for several years, making it a great investment for your garden.

Moreover, the plant can easily be propagated through cuttings, making it simple to create new plants and expand your garden. Cuttings can be taken in the summer, and should be rooted in a well-draining soil mixture. Once the cuttings have rooted, they can be planted in their permanent location.

Another advantage of Turkish Tutsan is its versatility. This plant is suitable for a wide range of growing conditions, from full sun to partial shade, making it a great choice for gardeners who have a difficult time growing other plants. It is also drought-tolerant, making it an ideal choice for gardeners in dry climates.

In conclusion, Turkish Tutsan is a valuable addition to any garden. With its stunning yellow flowers, multi-functional uses, and ease of care and propagation, this plant is sure to provide a long-lasting and valuable addition to your outdoor space.

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