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Showing 1-15 of 272 records

False Acacia

Flower: Cream-white, pea-like flowers. The flowers hang down in a loose spike and are similar in appearance to Laburnum but creamy-white and not yellow. Fruit: Brown pea-like pods, up to 4 inches long. Leaves: Deciduous. Dark green, pinnate leaves, up to 25cm in length. 3 to 9 pairs of blunt, oval leaflets. Leaflets are untoothed.

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Winter Aconite

Flower: Cup-shaped flowers, up to 3cm wide. The flowers have large, deeply cut, leafy bracts at their bases. Fruit: Follicles which contain the seeds. Leaves: A perennial with deeply cut, glossy, hairless basal leaves. Throughout the British Isles, Winter Aconite is most common in the east of England and Scotland.

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Italian Alder

Flower: Italian Alder (Alnus cordata) produces small, inconspicuous flowers that are typically arranged in pendulous catkins. These catkins can be either male or female. Male catkins are slender and yellowish-green, and they release pollen into the air. Female catkins are shorter and more cylindrical, with ... Fruit: Italian Alder (Alnus cordata) produces elongated and cylindrical catkins, which are an important part of its reproductive structures. These catkins are typically pendulous, hanging from the branches, and they come in two main types: male and female. Male catkins are usually longer and more slender, ... Leaves: The leaves of the Italian Alder (Alnus cordata) are characterized by their heart-shaped form and serrated edges. These deciduous leaves are typically medium to dark green in color and have a glossy appearance on their upper surface. They are arranged alternately along the branches and can grow to be...

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Grey Alder

Flower: Pendulous, red-brown and becoming yellow later (male catkins). Red, erect and cylindrical (female catkins). Male and female catkins present on same tree. Fruit: Wooded cones which persist on the tree throughout winter months. Leaves: Deciduous. Hairy, ovate and pointed, glossy, grey beneath.

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Sweet Alyssum

Flower: Sweet Alyssum is a charming and petite flowering plant with delicate blooms. The flowers, shaped like small clusters, come in a variety of colours, including white, pink, purple, and lavender. Each flower consists of four petals, creating a dainty and intricate appearance. The fragrance of these blo... Fruit: Sweet Alyssum is not typically grown for its fruit, as it is primarily cultivated for its attractive and fragrant flowers. The plant produces small, inconspicuous fruits that are not commonly a focal point in gardening discussions. The main ornamental appeal of Sweet Alyssum lies in its profusion of... Leaves: Sweet Alyssum features small, lance-shaped leaves that contribute to its overall compact and neat appearance. The leaves are typically green in colour and form a dense carpet of foliage beneath the delicate clusters of flowers. These leaves are relatively small in size, adding to the fine texture of...

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Balkan Anemone

Flower: The flower has many blue narrow petals. Balkan Anemone is much like Blue Anemone (Anemone apennina) but the petals are narrower and hairless underneath. Flowers measure 3 or 4cm in diameter. Sometimes pink and white flowers may also be seen. Fruit: The fruit is a winged nutlet called an achene. An achene is a type of dry, one-seeded fruit. Leaves: The leaves are palmate and dark green. They are 3-lobed and each lobed is toothed around the margins. A compact perennial flower. Garden escape species.

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Flower: Pale yellowish-green bell-shaped flowers. No petals. 3 maroon sepals. The flowers are usually hidden beneath the leaves. 12 stamens. Pollinated by flies. Fruit: A 6-parted capsule. Leaves: The leathery, dark green leaves are glossy and kidney-shaped. The leaves measure about 3 inches (7.5cm) across. Evergreen perennial. Asarabacca has a preference for growing in Beech woodland.

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Common Ash

Flower: Petalless with tufts of purple-to-black stamens which turn green later. Fruit: Numerous hanging winged seeds which form clusters. The fruits of this tree are often called 'keys'. Leaves: Deciduous. Britain's only native tree with opposite, pinnate leaves. Leaflets are dark green and toothed.

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Mountain Ash

Flower: The Mountain Ash, known for its stunning scarlet berries and delicate, creamy-white flowers, is a captivating sight in the British countryside. These elegant blossoms, often appearing in late spring to early summer, adorn the tree's branches with their soft, graceful petals. Their pristine beauty an... Fruit: The fruit of the Mountain Ash, distinguished by its vibrant red hue, is a distinctive feature of this iconic British tree. These glossy scarlet berries, often observed in abundance during the autumn season, create a striking contrast against the tree's green foliage. Their plump and inviting appeara... Leaves: The leaves of the Mountain Ash, commonly found in the United Kingdom, are characterized by their pinnate arrangement and finely serrated edges. Each leaflet is a lustrous dark green, imparting a rich, verdant canopy to the tree during the growing season. In the autumn, these leaves undergo a spectac...

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Flower: Male and female catkins are green, and are borne on different trees. Both male and female catkins look alike, however later on the male catkins become dangly and the females remain firm. Fruit: Long hanging conical capsules develop on the catkins. Leaves: Deciduous. The stalked leaves of the Aspen are heart-shaped with wavy edges and have whitish undersides. Their shape causes them to shiver and tremble in the wind, giving the tree a distinctive quivering appearance which can be noticed from far away, even with the slightest of breezes. This is how t...

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Balm of Gilead

Flower: Pale yellowish-green catkins which appear before the leaves in spring, up to 16cm long. Wind pollinated. Fruit: The seeds are the fruit. They ripen in May. Leaves: The leaf buds are very sticky and resinous. The smooth and hairless leaves are heart-shaped with a pointed tip and finely serrated margins.

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Small Balsam

Flower: Small Balsam features delicate pale yellow blossoms with a distinctive spurred shape. These flowers, native to the UK, thrive in damp woodland areas, showcasing their charming allure along riverbanks and streamsides. 5 stamens. Pollinated by insects. Fruit: The fruit of Small Balsam, native to the UK, is a small, elongated capsule that bursts open when touched, dispersing its seeds. This capsule is typically green in color and contains numerous seeds, contributing to the plant's prolific spread in woodland habitats across the country. Leaves: The leaves of Small Balsam, native to the UK, are ovate to lanceolate in shape, with serrated edges. They are typically a vibrant green colour and have a slightly glossy appearance. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stem and often have a reddish tint on the undersides.

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Arrow Bamboo

Flower: The flowers are never seen in the British Isles. Wind pollinated. Fruit: Never seen in fruit. Leaves: An evergreen perennial plant with large, long, linear, pointed, dark green, grass-like leaves. The stems are cane-like in appearance. Occasionally seen as a garden escape species growing wild in the UK.

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Chinese Barberry

Flower: Yellow or orange flowers, tinged with red. In clusters of up to 25 flowers. Fruit: Purplish-black, elliptical berries, up to 6mm long. In fruit from July to November. Leaves: A dense bush with glossy, dark green, spiny, obovate leaves. The leaves are pale beneath. The branches contain long spines. The Gagnepain's Barberry (Berberis gagnepainii) is a similar looking shrub but that grows to about half the height and has narrower, matte leaves. The distinguishing feature of...

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Gagnepain's Barberry

Flower: Golden yellow flowers are produced in clusters of about 5 or 6 (but sometimes up to 12), borne on short shoots. Pollinated by insects. Fruit: Waxy, bluish-black, oblong fruit. 1cm in length. The seeds ripen in September and October. Leaves: A thorny shrub with simple, lanceolate, toothed leaves. The thorns on the branches are 3-spined. The teeth on the leaf margins are tipped by short spines too. Chinese Barberry (Berberis julianae) is similar in appearance but that has glossy, wider leaves and fluted branches. The leaves of Gagnepain'...

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