Habitat: Riversides



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Showing 1-15 of 446 records

Spineless Acaena

Flower: Globular, petalless flowers. Fruit: Globular fruits usually spiny but often without spines. Leaves: A mat-forming perennial garden escape species. The pinnate leaves are purplish and feathery. Leaflets are toothed.

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Common Agrimony

Flower: The flowers of Common Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) found in the UK are small and yellow, arranged in elongated spikes on slender stems. Each individual flower consists of five petals and has a delicate, cup-shaped appearance. The flowers bloom in clusters and are known for their bright, cheerful y... Fruit: The fruit of Common Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) found in the UK is composed of small, burr-like structures containing seeds. These fruits typically develop after the flowering period. They have a rough or prickly exterior, designed with hooks that easily attach to fur or clothing, aiding in the d... Leaves: The leaves of Common Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) found in the UK are compound and alternately arranged along the stem. Each leaf is composed of smaller leaflets arranged in a feather-like or pinnate pattern. The leaflets are serrated along the edges, providing a distinctive appearance. The surfac...

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Common Alder

Flower: Yellow and pendulous (male catkins). Green and oval (female catkins). Male and female catkins present on same tree, and grouped in clusters of 3-8 on each stalk. Fruit: In winter the catkins turn into hard, dark, cone-like fruit which eventually release the seeds. Leaves: Deciduous. Round, dark green, leathery, smooth, serrated edges.

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Garden Angelica

Flower: Yellowish-green flowers, appearing in rounded umbels measuring 5 to 7cm across. 5 stamens per flower. Pollinated by insects. Fruit: Oval, flattened fruits with corky wings, measuring 6 to 8mm long. The seeds ripen in August and September. Leaves: An erect perennial with 2 to 3-pinnate leaves. Each leaf measure up to 60cm (24 inches) in length. Hollow, green stems (occasionally purple). Biennial.

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Flower: Pale yellowish-green bell-shaped flowers. No petals. 3 maroon sepals. The flowers are usually hidden beneath the leaves. 12 stamens. Pollinated by flies. Fruit: A 6-parted capsule. Leaves: The leathery, dark green leaves are glossy and kidney-shaped. The leaves measure about 3 inches (7.5cm) across. Evergreen perennial. Asarabacca has a preference for growing in Beech woodland.

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Garden Asparagus

Flower: Bell-shaped, pale green or yellowish flowers. Pollinated by bees. Fruit: A small, red berry, up to 1cm across. The seeds ripen in September and October. Leaves: A perennial herb with an erect, single stem. The shoots are sometimes known as 'spears'.

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Aunt Eliza

Flower: The orange-brown flowers are about 6cm in length. They are arranged alternately along its zigzagged stems. Fruit: A 3-angled, green capsule, turning brown upon ripening. Leaves: A clump-forming perennial with olive green, deeply pleated, wiry leaves. The plant grows from a corm. Seldom found growing wild in the UK but not unheard of.

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Water Avens

Flower: The flowers of Water Avens are characterized by their nodding, reddish-purple petals. These blooms add a touch of elegance to the plant and typically appear in late spring to mid-summer. Fruit: The fruit of Water Avens consists of small, dry achenes. These one-seeded fruits develop after the flowering period and contribute to the plant's reproductive cycle. Leaves: The basal leaves of Water Avens are pinnate and possess a slightly hairy texture. These toothed leaves contribute to the overall appearance of the plant, forming a lush and green foliage.

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Wood Avens

Flower: The long stalked, star-shaped flowers appear in loose clusters and are up to 2 cm across in diameter. The sepals turn downwards as the fruit forms. The flowers are similar in appearance to those of Strawberry but are yellow rather than white. The flowers have numerous yellow anthers. Fruit: Hooked fruit forming a bur-like head, bronze-tipped. Leaves: The leaves are unstalked. The lower ones are pinnate with the terminal leaflet being much the largest. Stem leaves are smaller and trefoil.

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Balm of Gilead

Flower: Pale yellowish-green catkins which appear before the leaves in spring, up to 16cm long. Wind pollinated. Fruit: The seeds are the fruit. They ripen in May. Leaves: The leaf buds are very sticky and resinous. The smooth and hairless leaves are heart-shaped with a pointed tip and finely serrated margins.

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Orange Balsam

Flower: Orange with many blood-red spots. Fruit: Oblong capsules which later become explosive when touched. When the capsules explode, the many seeds within them are scattered and the plant can soon become invasive and out of control. Leaves: Alternate, ovate and stalked. The margins of the leaves are toothed but the teeth are well spaced apart.

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Touch-me-not Balsam

Flower: Touch-me-not Balsam showcases delicate, pale yellow to orange flowers with vivid red or purple spots, creating a charming spectacle in the British countryside. These blossoms, adorned with their distinct markings, gently sway in the breeze, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies during the... Fruit: The fruit of Touch-me-not Balsam is comprised of elongated seed pods that develop following the flowering period. These pods, known as capsules, are characteristically slender and cylindrical, gradually maturing to a pale green or brown hue. Upon reaching maturity, the pods exhibit a remarkable mech... Leaves: The leaves of Touch-me-not Balsam are broadly oval in shape and feature serrated edges, imparting a distinctive appearance to this native British plant. These verdant foliage adornments are arranged alternately along the stems, creating a lush canopy of greenery in shaded woodlands, damp meadows, an...

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Small Balsam

Flower: Small Balsam features delicate pale yellow blossoms with a distinctive spurred shape. These flowers, native to the UK, thrive in damp woodland areas, showcasing their charming allure along riverbanks and streamsides. 5 stamens. Pollinated by insects. Fruit: The fruit of Small Balsam, native to the UK, is a small, elongated capsule that bursts open when touched, dispersing its seeds. This capsule is typically green in color and contains numerous seeds, contributing to the plant's prolific spread in woodland habitats across the country. Leaves: The leaves of Small Balsam, native to the UK, are ovate to lanceolate in shape, with serrated edges. They are typically a vibrant green colour and have a slightly glossy appearance. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stem and often have a reddish tint on the undersides.

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Arrow Bamboo

Flower: The flowers are never seen in the British Isles. Wind pollinated. Fruit: Never seen in fruit. Leaves: An evergreen perennial plant with large, long, linear, pointed, dark green, grass-like leaves. The stems are cane-like in appearance. Occasionally seen as a garden escape species growing wild in the UK.

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Chinese Barberry

Flower: Yellow or orange flowers, tinged with red. In clusters of up to 25 flowers. Fruit: Purplish-black, elliptical berries, up to 6mm long. In fruit from July to November. Leaves: A dense bush with glossy, dark green, spiny, obovate leaves. The leaves are pale beneath. The branches contain long spines. The Gagnepain's Barberry (Berberis gagnepainii) is a similar looking shrub but that grows to about half the height and has narrower, matte leaves. The distinguishing feature of...

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