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Childing Pink

Petrorhagia nanteulii

Please keep in mind that it is illegal to uproot a plant without the landowner's consent and care should be taken at all times not to damage wild plants. Wild plants should never be picked for pleasure and some plants are protected by law.
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Plant Profile

Flowering Months:
Caryophyllaceae (Pink)
Life Cycle:
Maximum Size:
30 centimetres tall
Beaches, gardens, grassland, meadows, rocky places, seaside.

Pink, 5 petals
Usually only 1 solitary pink flower is produced at a time. This species of Pink can be distinguished from the rest by its brown chaffy bracts beneath the flowers. The bracts wrap around the base of the solitary flower.
The fruit is a oval capsule, producing many seeds.
The linear, greyish-green leaves are in opposite pairs along the stems. They also clasp the stems at their bases. The stem is erect. This is an annual flower. Hairless or slightly downy. Can be found at one site near the sea in West Sussex.
Other Names:
Nanteuil's Pink, Productive Carnation, Proliferous Pink, Tufted Pink, Wild Carnation.
Frequency (UK):
Rarely seen  

Similar Species

Other Information


Petrorhagia nanteuilii, commonly known as Nanteuil's Pink or Tufted Pink, is a species of herbaceous perennial plant in the Caryophyllaceae family. It is native to Europe and Asia and can be found in habitats such as rocky slopes, grasslands, and meadows. The plant has small, glossy green leaves and small, pink or purple flowers that grow in clusters. It typically grows as a low-lying groundcover and is often used as an ornamental plant in rock gardens, wildflower gardens, and as a meadow plant. It's not known to have any medicinal use, it's not recommended for any use.


Childing Pink, scientifically known as Petrorhagia nanteulii, is a small, flowering plant that belongs to the pink family (Caryophyllaceae). It is a rare and endangered species that is found only in a few locations in the world, including the Nantes region of France, where it was first discovered.

The Childing Pink plant is an annual herb that grows up to a height of 10-30 cm. Its leaves are narrow and lance-shaped, and its stems are thin and branched. The plant's flowers are pink, with five petals that are deeply notched at the tips, giving them a distinctive appearance. The flowers are arranged in clusters at the ends of the branches, and they bloom from May to June.

Childing Pink is a plant that requires specific environmental conditions to grow and thrive. It prefers dry, rocky habitats and is commonly found growing on limestone cliffs and rocky outcrops. The plant is adapted to drought conditions and has deep roots that allow it to access water from the soil. It is also tolerant of high temperatures and can withstand direct sunlight for extended periods.

Despite its adaptability, Childing Pink is facing several threats to its survival. The plant's natural habitat is being destroyed due to urbanization, land development, and quarrying activities. In addition, the species faces competition from invasive plant species that are more aggressive and can outcompete it for resources. Overgrazing by livestock is also a significant threat to Childing Pink, as it can damage the plant's roots and prevent it from regenerating.

Efforts are underway to conserve the Childing Pink plant and protect it from extinction. In France, the plant is legally protected, and its collection or destruction is prohibited. Conservation organizations are also working to restore the plant's natural habitat and control invasive species. Additionally, botanical gardens and seed banks have established collections of Childing Pink to safeguard its genetic diversity and ensure its continued survival.

Childing Pink has several traditional medicinal uses. In some regions where it grows, people use its leaves and flowers to make an herbal tea that is believed to have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. The tea is also used as a remedy for digestive problems, such as bloating and indigestion.

In addition to its medicinal uses, Childing Pink is also valued for its ornamental qualities. The plant's delicate pink flowers and narrow, lance-shaped leaves make it a popular choice for rock gardens and other types of landscaping. However, it should be noted that harvesting or collecting the plant from the wild is strictly prohibited, and individuals interested in growing Childing Pink should obtain it from a reputable nursery or seed source.

As a rare and endangered species, Childing Pink also has important ecological value. The plant is an important food source for a variety of insects, including butterflies, moths, and bees. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity of its habitat by providing shelter and habitat for other plant and animal species.

Childing Pink is also an excellent example of how climate change is affecting plant populations. As the planet's temperatures rise, the plant's native habitats may become less hospitable, and the plant may struggle to survive. This can lead to a decline in the species' population, making it even more vulnerable to other threats, such as habitat loss and invasive species.

In addition to climate change, the introduction of non-native plant species is also a significant threat to Childing Pink. Non-native species can outcompete native plants for resources, ultimately leading to a decline in the native plant population. This is why it's crucial to plant native species in landscaping and restoration projects, as they are more adapted to the local environmental conditions and provide vital habitat for native wildlife.

It's also essential to protect and restore the plant's natural habitat to promote its continued survival. Habitat destruction and fragmentation are significant threats to many plant species, including Childing Pink. Protecting natural areas, reducing habitat fragmentation, and restoring degraded habitats can go a long way in supporting the plant's population and promoting its recovery.

Another important aspect of conserving Childing Pink is through the preservation of genetic diversity. Genetic diversity refers to the variety of genes within a population, and it is crucial for the long-term survival of a species. A diverse gene pool ensures that a species has the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions and can overcome disease and other threats.

Seed banks play a crucial role in preserving genetic diversity. Seed banks collect and store seeds from various plant species, including Childing Pink, to safeguard their genetic diversity and ensure their long-term survival. These seeds can be used for restoration projects, research, and as a backup in case of catastrophic events that may wipe out a species in the wild.

Another way to promote genetic diversity is through the propagation and cultivation of Childing Pink in botanical gardens and nurseries. By growing the plant in a controlled environment, horticulturists can produce new cultivars that exhibit different traits, such as increased disease resistance or improved growth characteristics. These new cultivars can then be used to reintroduce the plant into the wild, enhancing the species' genetic diversity and promoting its long-term survival.

In conclusion, preserving genetic diversity is crucial for the long-term survival of Childing Pink and other plant species. Through seed banking, propagation, and cultivation, we can safeguard the plant's genetic diversity and ensure its continued survival for future generations. As we work to protect and conserve this unique and valuable plant species, we must consider all aspects of its biology and ecology, including its genetic diversity.